Bowing Cinder Block | Philidelphia, PA | StablWall

Repair a Bowing Wall | New York, NY

When you see cracks forming on your foundation wall, the first thing you should do is to call the experts. Foundation cracks are often a sign of the need for foundation repair. This isn’t a unique problem. Foundations, like any other part of the home, need maintenance.

Why You Need a Pro

You may be wondering why you should spend money and time calling a professional for only a few cracks on the wall. You’re not alone. Many homeowners will either ignore or seek do-it-yourself solutions to the cracks in an attempt to avoid what they think would be an unnecessary expense. 

The problem with this is that foundation cracks often indicate a problem with the foundation, which if not properly repaired is likely to become a structural problem for the entire home. There’s also the problem of water seepage. Even cracks that aren’t allowing water through at the moment are likely to start leaking over time. You’ll end up with a wet basement that will result in further problems including damage of property as well as the growth of mold.

New York, NY | StablWall


Repairing a Bowing Foundation Wall

Foundation cracks are often the first thing you’ll notice when your foundation is in danger. They are one of the first signs of a bowing foundation wall. In this situation, even the strongest sealants will not protect your wall from further damage.

The bowing occurs as a result of high pressure from the soils surrounding the foundation wall. It is important to not only relieve this pressure but also to provide more support for the wall. The following are two popular ways of providing support for foundation walls.

  1. Re-bracing walls

This is one of the most popular methods of repairing bowing walls. Re-bracing the walls involves reinforcing the walls. The reinforcement may be in the form of carbon fiber strips or steel beams. This provides long term support to the wall ensuring that it will not shift under pressure from the outside.

  1. Anchors

Foundation anchors are installed in a bowing foundation wall to counteract the pressure that is exerted against the foundation wall. The anchors can be installed either on the inside or the outside of the foundation wall. They are installed under the foundation wall. Modern anchors can be installed in the earth without the need for excavation.

If you have bowing foundation walls, have a chat with a professional contractor about the different options available to you.

Bowing Walls: What Do I Do? Columbus, OH

Bowed basement walls result from too much pressure pushing up against basement walls. The pressure can build up from any number of factors including heavy rain, poor drainage in the soils surrounding the basement walls, buildup of underground water or inadequate grading of the basement walls.

When soil absorbs water, it expands. The same applies to the soil surrounding your basement walls. The expanding soil therefore presses against the foundation walls resulting in the buildup of pressure on the walls.

If the pressure continues unchecked, the walls will begin to cave in. Damage on the walls may begin as a horizontal crack or a leak in the foundation joints. If the problem is left unaddressed, the walls will begin to bow inward. These walls will eventually collapse causing your home to become unstable.

What You Shouldn’t Do

First of all, it is important to remember that fixing bowed walls is not a ’Do-It-Yourself’ job. It is something that you ought to leave to a professional foundation repair contractor. A professional will have the right training, skills, experience and equipment to repair bowing walls.

Trying to fix your own walls is dangerous and may end in a catastrophe for you and your home. Professionals are trained and understand the safety measures to take to ensure that there are no accidents.

It is also important to remember that quick fixes will not address the underlying problem with your foundation. So ensure that you have a long-term solution to save your foundation and your home. Applying quick fixes will only result in a more expensive problem as the damage continues to get worse.

What You Should Do

If you notice that you have bowing walls, contact a professional foundation repair contractor in your area as soon as possible. The contractor will come to your home and inspect the foundation walls. Then he will provide you with an estimate of how much it would cost to repair the wall.

Avoid using a contractor who gives you a quotation for the job without examining your foundation. A thorough examination of the foundation is the only way to identify the underlying problem and determine the best solution for the basement wall repair.

It is important to begin your search for foundation repair contractors as early as possible. This will ensure that you can shop around and compare prices and services. You will find a reliable contractor when you have enough time to look for one.

StablWall | Cleveland, OH

Carbon Fiber Stiching To Repair Basement Wall Cracks – Cleveland, OH

Have you come across the term ‘carbon fiber stitching’? This method of repairing basement wall cracks has been in the industry for some time.

In the past, repairing cracks that occurred on the exterior of foundation walls was done by excavating the foundation. Steel beams were then installed to reinforce the foundation walls. These beams were placed on both the outside and the inside of the foundation. They provided support for the bowing wall and stabilized it enough to prevent further movement.

Carbon fiber stitching removes the need for excavation. All the repairs are done from the inside of the foundation. Carbon fiber staples, straps, or sheets are installed in the area of cracking to prevent further movement. The carbon fiber prevents further movements from occurring. It is a long term solution for stability.

Why you should consider carbon fiber stitching

  • No need for exterior excavation

All repairs are done from the interior of the foundation. Your plants, shrubs, and landscape will remain safe the entire time.

  • One repair for all cracks

You don’t have to deal with every type of crack individually with carbon fiber stitching. The same repair will be effective for all the cracks whether they are vertical, horizontal, or corner basement wall cracks. All the cracks are addressed with just one repair.

  • It is completed in a short time

Carbon fiber stitching is completed within a few hours at most. The repair can be done by one or two people. It is one of the least disruptive methods of repair available today for basement wall cracks

  • It causes minimal pollution

The repair of your basement walls using carbon stitching will result in minimal air and noise pollution. The installation does not involve the use of power tools, excavation, or other activities that could result in noise or the formation of dust.

  • It’s affordable and effective

Carbon fiber stitching is one of the most effective and affordable solutions for dealing with foundation cracks. The labor is minimal and the materials are affordable. There is also no need for maintenance. No future adjustments are required once the installation is completed.

Don’t take chances when it comes to the safety of you and your loved ones. Cracks in your foundation are often a sign of lack of stability in the structure. You can’t afford to wait to have your foundation repaired. Carbon stitching offers you a long term solution that is effective, easy, and affordable.

cracked basement walls

Patching Cracked Basement Walls Doesn’t Work

Cracked Basement Walls

When you’re faced with cracked basement walls, you will have various options for the repair of the walls. Not all foundation cracks leak. Some can remain dry for many years. However, even these dry foundation cracks have the potential of leaking in the future. It is therefore important to deal with them before they begin leaking.

The Homeowner’s Primary Fear

When it comes to repairing cracked basement walls, there is nothing that homeowners fear as much as the cost of repairing these walls. Many assume that having their walls professionally repaired will cost a lot of money.

Many homeowners also dread the thought of having to deal with a professional waterproofing contractor. They think of the disturbances related to repairing foundations including excavating and begin to look into alternatives.

Common and Unreliable Method of Crack Repair

There are many so-called ‘professionals’ out there who will tell you that they can patch your cracked basement walls back up and you won’t have to worry about them anymore.

Patchwork on concrete foundation walls involves the use of cement to fill in and cover the cracks. The result is quite attractive. When this patchwork is done well, you will hardly notice where the crack was before. It is a cheap, quick and easy solution to repairing a cracked basement wall.

While patchwork offers you quick and attractive results at a lower cost, it is not a good solution for repairing cracks in a basement wall.

  1. You’ll waste money

The money you spent on the patchwork will go to waste. You will have to spend more money to have the cracks repaired once again. This is because patchwork doesn’t keep the water at bay for long. Ground water is trapped behind the wall and will eventually force its way through the seal.

  1. It will cause an even worse problem

The patchwork only results in water being trapped behind the wall. This results in increased hydrostatic pressure against the wall. This results in the foundation weakening even further. You are likely to have more cracks to deal with than you had before.

  1. You will have to invest in waterproofing eventually

You may have saved money today but you will find that you may have to spend even more money on professional waterproofing services eventually in the future. You would rather deal with the waterproofing now than put off the inevitable.

  1. It can result in mold and other water problems

The patch is likely to leak after some time. This will result in mold infestations and other water problems.

foundation repair

What is the Best System for Cracked Foundation Repair in Finished Basement?

Foundation Repair

Finishing a basement is neither easy nor cheap. But it’s definitely worth it. You have the extra square footage of livable space and guess what? The value of your home just went up a couple of thousands of dollars. What could go wrong?

You may wake up one morning and find a foundation crack on your wall. While you may want to brush it off to foundation movement, cracks are often a sign of a deeper problem with the foundation. If they aren’t dealt with as soon as possible, you may have to deal with an even bigger problem.

Protecting Your Investment

When homeowners think of foundation repair, they imagine a large troop of contractors walking in and out of their homes, dragging large machines, dust, noise and vibrations. They also imagine their investment in their finished basement going up in smoke.

There’s good news for you. Foundation repair doesn’t always have to mean breaking down walls or digging up your lawn. There are systems that you can use on a finished basement that will not only repair cracks, but also ensure that the wall is provided with the strength and stability it needs.

Choosing a System

When it comes to repairing a cracked wall in a finished basement, choose a system that:

  • Provides long term benefits

Repairing a foundation can be expensive and disruptive. You don’t want to go through all this again anytime soon. You need a system that will last for a long time to come.

  • Is affordable

You’ve already spent quite a sum of money on finishing your basement. It can’t be easy finding the money to repair your foundation. Choose a system that is affordable and offers you the advantages of strength and stability.

  • Is flexible

Some systems are constraining. They can only be installed in a specific way and will have a major impact on the finishing of your basement. Choose a system that offers you flexibility in the finishing of your basement.

The Final Verdict

There is currently no better system for cracked foundation repair than carbon fiber. Carbon fiber fits the bill, especially for finished basements. It can be painted over once it is installed to conceal it. It also doesn’t take up any floor space unlike steel beams.

Carbon fiber is an affordable and durable choice for the repair of cracks. Talk to a contractor about using carbon fiber on your cracked foundation walls.

Bowed Basement Walls | Col, OH | StablWall

Why You Shouldn’t Attempt to Repair Bowed Basement Walls on Your Own

Bowed Basement Walls

Do-it-yourself repairs are a great way to save money and gain invaluable experience fixing things around the house. With increased access to instructional videos over the internet and on TV, more people are turning to the DIY route for most repairs within their home.

While DIY is a great idea for many projects, there must be a limit. For instance, there are some projects that you shouldn’t try on your own especially if you don’t have the professional training and experience to successfully carry them out. One such project is repairing bowed basement walls.

Basement Wall DIY repair is a bad idea

The introduction of foundation repair kits is quite misleading. Many people believe that they can carry out foundation repairs on their own. However, even the most skilled DIYer shouldn’t attempt to repair bowed basement walls for the following reasons:

Structural evaluation

When your basement walls are bowing or cracked, a structural evaluation of the walls is vital. This evaluation by a structural engineer tells you just how bad the situation is. It also tells you what’s causing the bowing and the best solution for your particular situation.

If you attempt to repair the walls on your own, you’re likely to skip this step. This means you’re not likely to apply the right or best solution.

Carbon fiber kits can’t fix everything

Carbon fiber kits are generally the go-to repair kits for DIYers intending to repair their basement walls on their own. However, these kits are not always the best solution. A professional will take accurate measurements and tell you just how much the wall has moved. In this case, it may have moved too much for you to apply a carbon fiber kit successfully.

You may skip some important steps

There are some vital steps that are not mentioned in many kits or shown on instructional videos. Professionals with the right training have the skills and experience to ensure that all crucial steps are applied in the repair of bowed basement walls.

You may have to spend more money to fix the problem

Many DIYers are motivated by the prospect of saving a lot of money by doing the repair themselves. However, in many cases, the problem worsens and requires even more intensive repair. By this time, it will cost much more to hire a professional to correct the mistakes made and repair the problem in the end. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a professional in the first place.

Your safety is at risk

There are various safety concerns when repairing bowed walls. You may put your life and the lives of those living in your home at risk by attempting to do it on your own. Rather, professionals will ensure safety precautions are taken into account and that the job is done correctly to ensure that your home is safe for the long term.