Bowing Foundation | Columbus, Ohio | StablWall

Capitalizing on Professional Bowing Foundation Walls Systems

Bowing Foundation Walls

The Concrete Foundations Association (CFA) says, in a 2013 study, that bowing foundation walls contribute to over 59% of repairs that their members carry out. In a similar study, the National Realtors Association (NRA®) reckons that your home can lose over 50% of its value due to a similar problem.

With the consequences associated with this common problem including structural damage, electrical and plumbing damage, stress on framing structure, water leakage, property destruction in the basement and overall loss of  home value, it is imperative to promptly get a lasting solution.

Basements Worst Enemies

According to CFA, the major causes of a bowing foundation include unstable soils leading to lateral soil pressure, poor construction, hydrostatic pressure, expansive soils, among others. As a homeowner, immediate remedies from a professional contractor are needed.

The project might require excavation, lifting the weight off the structure and returning the wall as close as possible to the plumb. These professionals have the prerequisite resources, personnel and exposure to work on any kind of project.

Contemporary Solutions

Well, your contractor has a wide range of bowing foundation walls solutions to choose from, but they will depend on a professional diagnosis of the problem. The most popular systems include:

Carbon Fiber Installation

It is cited as the most effective method due to ease of installation and speedy work. The fiber reinforced polymer is 10 times stronger than steel beams, and specifically formulated for such repairs. These strips are adhered using a high-strength epoxy that absorbs pressure. Once this is done, the project is complete and the beauty of it is that there is no digging involved.

Heavy Duty Steel Wall Braces

This system is designed to permanently halt the inward bowing of foundation walls, tilting at the top and sliding at the bottom. The braces are fitted into holes drilled from the interior of your basement without any need for extensive excavation. They can even be tightened in future to finally restore the wall to its original position.

Helical Anchors

This has become a top choice for effective repairs, especially where damage is extensive. It involves driving a shaft with helical blades which permanently stabilize your home. They don’t require a lot of digging and easily restore your property’s value without a lot of disturbance to your home’s structure.

They can also be easily concealed once you are done with the repairs in your basement. The corrosion-resistant galvanized steel used is a tested and proven support material that lasts the life of your home.

There are many other patented bowing foundation walls solutions, but they can only be effective if your contractor has correctly diagnosed the issue.