StablWall carbon fiber

StablWall Carbon Fiber Applications Demystified

StablWall Carbon Fiber

Are you considering foundation repair? Your foundation contractor may have suggested various solutions for the repair of your foundation. One of the many solutions suggested by contractors today is the use of StablWall carbon fiber. This is a patented technology that makes use of carbon fiber sheets for the repair of foundation cracks.

How it works

There are various companies that manufacture carbon fiber products for the repair of basements. These products come in different shapes and sizes. StablWall Carbon Fiber comes in the form of sheets. Sheets are much stronger than straps that are unidirectional. Straps have proven in the past to be ineffective under sheer loads.

The carbon fiber sheets consist of layers of fiber sheets that are run horizontally, vertically and diagonally to each other. This ensures that the carbon fiber sheets have maximum tensile strength. They are therefore better able to bear loads in just about any direction.

Installation of the carbon fiber sheets is simple. It involves the use of a special epoxy that is provided by the manufacturer. The epoxy is used to bond the sheets to the damaged wall. The wall is therefore held together by the sheet and unable to move any further. The wall therefore does not undergo any further damage.

Are they effective?

One of the questions you may be asking at this point is just how effective these carbon fiber sheets are in preventing further damage to the foundation walls. There is a good reason why many foundation contractors are turning to StablWall Carbon Fiber for the repair of cracked foundation walls. It is because the technology has proven to be so effective in preventing further damage to foundation walls.

Carbon fiber is very strong and light. It has been used in the aerospace industry for over 25 years. It has also been applied to the construction of tunnels, retaining walls and bridges. The military also makes use of carbon fiber for its strength and light weight.

Strong and attractive

When it comes to providing extra support to foundation walls, you’ll have the choice of either using unsightly steel beams or using carbon fiber. Carbon fiber is not only easy to install but also occupies minimal space. It is also easy to paint over and therefore hide. Steel beams aren’t so easy to hide.

If your contractor has suggested the use of carbon fiber sheets for the repair of your basement, you should consider this option above all others.