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Finding a Foundation Repair Contractor for Carbon Fiber Repairs New York, NY

Finding a Foundation Repair Contractor for Carbon Fiber Repairs

Do you have cracked foundation walls? With so much information available online, you’ve probably done your research and found that carbon fiber is your best option if you plan to finish your basement. You may have also learned that this is not a DIY job. It is best to have a professional install the carbon fiber sheets or straps for long term benefits.

Finding a professional contractor 

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Are you ready to have your wall repaired? It’s important to note that not all foundation repair contractors are the same. It’s important to carefully evaluate the options available and make an informed choice.

The following are some factors to consider when making your selection.

  1. How long they’ve been in business

It’s important to hire a contractor that not only has experience but has also been active for several years. The fact that they have continued to get business shows that they can do a good job.

  1. Consider their warranty

It’s important to ensure that the contractor can provide a warranty especially when installing a system such as carbon fiber. The warranty should provide for the replacement of the system in case of any failures as well as for rework. Check the conditions of the warranty to ensure that you avoid any actions that may render it void.

  1. The systems they use

Not all carbon fiber systems are the same. Do you research and read reviews to find out which system works best. You should choose a contractor that has been trained and is experienced in the use of the particular system you’re interested in.

  1. Their insurance cover

No one wishes for accidents to occur while work is being carried out in their homes, but they do. It’s important to check that the contractor has insurance cover. This will cater for any expenses resulting from accidents that occur while the contractor is working on your property. You will avoid having to pay for these expenses by taking this simple precaution.

  1. The value of what they offer

Many homeowners will only consider the price at the bottom of the quotation when hiring a foundation repair contractor. However, this can be quite deceiving. There are many contractors who have hidden fees. Others will cut back on some areas in order to provide you with a low price.

Go for a contractor that offers a good value for the money. They should be experienced and use a high quality system.


StablWall | Cleveland, OH

Carbon Fiber Stiching To Repair Basement Wall Cracks – Cleveland, OH

Have you come across the term ‘carbon fiber stitching’? This method of repairing basement wall cracks has been in the industry for some time.

In the past, repairing cracks that occurred on the exterior of foundation walls was done by excavating the foundation. Steel beams were then installed to reinforce the foundation walls. These beams were placed on both the outside and the inside of the foundation. They provided support for the bowing wall and stabilized it enough to prevent further movement.

Carbon fiber stitching removes the need for excavation. All the repairs are done from the inside of the foundation. Carbon fiber staples, straps, or sheets are installed in the area of cracking to prevent further movement. The carbon fiber prevents further movements from occurring. It is a long term solution for stability.

Why you should consider carbon fiber stitching

  • No need for exterior excavation

All repairs are done from the interior of the foundation. Your plants, shrubs, and landscape will remain safe the entire time.

  • One repair for all cracks

You don’t have to deal with every type of crack individually with carbon fiber stitching. The same repair will be effective for all the cracks whether they are vertical, horizontal, or corner basement wall cracks. All the cracks are addressed with just one repair.

  • It is completed in a short time

Carbon fiber stitching is completed within a few hours at most. The repair can be done by one or two people. It is one of the least disruptive methods of repair available today for basement wall cracks

  • It causes minimal pollution

The repair of your basement walls using carbon stitching will result in minimal air and noise pollution. The installation does not involve the use of power tools, excavation, or other activities that could result in noise or the formation of dust.

  • It’s affordable and effective

Carbon fiber stitching is one of the most effective and affordable solutions for dealing with foundation cracks. The labor is minimal and the materials are affordable. There is also no need for maintenance. No future adjustments are required once the installation is completed.

Don’t take chances when it comes to the safety of you and your loved ones. Cracks in your foundation are often a sign of lack of stability in the structure. You can’t afford to wait to have your foundation repaired. Carbon stitching offers you a long term solution that is effective, easy, and affordable.

carbon fiber foundation repair

Here’s Why to Opt for Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair

Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair

One of the scariest situations any homeowner can face is discovering their beautiful home has some form of foundation damage. Some of most common foundation issues include bowing and bulging, which cause foundation cracks. For most homeowners, such damage is discovered too late in the day when the situation has exacerbated. This is one reason professional foundation inspection is called for.

If you have noticed some form of foundation damage in your home, it is important to call in a certified contractor immediately. These professionals have the tools and expertise required to identify the underlying problem and propose the best foundation repairs. One of the most popular strategies in foundation repairs today is carbon fiber foundation repair and for many good reasons.

Carbon Fiber System in Brief

If you are looking for the most effective foundation repairs for your home, this should be the first choice when consulting with contractors. This foundation repair system leverages wall grade carbon fiber that has been used in other industries including space and major government contracts.

Foundation wall grade carbon fiber sheets are used to hold affected walls together using a specialized epoxy as the adhesive. It is a non-intrusive foundation repair option that helps to counter the pressure foundation walls have to contend with including hydrostatic and lateral earth pressures. This is the easiest technologies to use in wall repair and your foundation contractor must have it among the best solutions.

Among the advantages of deploying carbon fiber foundation repair include:

  1. Unrivalled strength: Carbon fiber boasts tensile strength of over 350,000 psi, which makes it 10X stronger than steel. These sheets hold together affected walls and because the material is lightweight and noncorrosive, you are guaranteed of optimal strength for your foundation.
  2. Easy installation: Compared to other intrusive foundation repair solutions such as installing steel beams, carbon fiber repairs are easier to install. This saves a lot of costs in equipment and personnel.
  3. Aesthetics: Foundation wall cracks diminish the aesthetics of your home but some of the repair solutions available make things worse. Luckily, for carbon fiber systems, the sheets can be painted over to give your home a makeover.
  4. Permanent foundation repairs: The best thing about carbon fiber is that the materials will not stretch or corrode. Better still, it adds strength to the repaired walls, making it a permanent solution to any type of foundation damage.

Carbon fiber foundation repair is the ultimate solution to bowed, cracked and bulging foundation. It is cheaper and easy to install, adds value to your property and does not affect the aesthetic look of your house.

carbon fiber sheets

Reasons to Choose Carbon Fiber Sheets over Strips

Carbon Fiber Sheets

When faced with the repair of a foundation wall, you will have various options available to you. If your foundation wall requires extra support, you will need a system that can provide strength to the wall for the long term.

Advancements in technology have resulted in great advances in the construction industry. One of the greatest being the introduction of carbon fiber for repair and construction of foundations.

If you’re considering carbon fiber for the repair of your foundation, you will have the choice of using strips or sheets. The following are some reasons to choose carbon fiber sheets over strips:

  • They cover a larger surface area

This is an obvious one. Carbon fiber sheets cover a larger surface area compared to strips. They are therefore beneficial when dealing with extensive damage in a foundation wall. They also provide more support to the wall than strips will provide. They are a great long term solution for a bowing wall.

  • They are simple to install

This depends on the level of skill of the contractor you choose as well as the size of the wall. In general, however, installing sheets is much easier and faster than installing strips. Sheets cover a larger surface area meaning you will only need to install a single sheet where you would have had to install several strips. The work will be done in a matter of hours.

  • Provide a great appearance

When the installation is complete, you can easily hide the sheets under a coat of paint or any other finish you desire. The sheet’s continuous surface provides the perfect canvas for any finish. It is the perfect solution for a finished basement.

Last Word

Carbon fiber sheets are the perfect solution for the repair of bowed basement walls. However, some precautions must be taken in order to ensure great results. These include:

  1. Hiring a professional contractor

Hire a contractor who is trained and experienced in the installation of carbon fiber. This will ensure that they are able to install the sheets correctly.

  1. Choose a proven system

There are several systems in the market. Purchase a system that is tried and proven. Read reviews and talk to your foundation contractor about the choices available to you.

  1. Use the right epoxies

Manufacturers of different carbon fiber systems provide epoxies to be used alongside the sheets. Ensure that you use the epoxies as required by the manufacturer for the best results.

Contact us today for more information!

carbon fiber foundation repair

How Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair Works

Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair

Carbon fiber foundation repair is all the buzz amongst foundation repair experts. It is a new and efficient method of foundation repair and the preferred method of repair for many foundation repair contractors. However, it is important to remember that it is not a miracle solution. It is suitable for repairing some foundation problems, but not all problems.

What is carbon fiber?

You may be wondering what carbon fiber is in the first place. Simply put, it is a fiber made of carbon. These fibers are very strong. They are woven or arranged parallel to each other depending on the application of the end material. The resulting material is stronger and lighter than other materials such as steel.

What is carbon fiber foundation repair?

Repairing a foundation with carbon fiber involves the installation of a carbon fiber strip or sheet on the foundation wall. The carbon fiber plays the same role as steel frames would in this situation. They provide extra strength to the foundation wall and prevent it from bulging further. Carbon fiber strips or sheets are therefore suitable for repairing bowing walls.

What makes carbon fiber best for foundation repair?

There are many reasons foundation repair contractors prefer carbon fiber sheets or straps over other foundation repair systems.

  1. Easy and Quick Installation

Installing carbon fiber is quick and easy for trained and experienced contractors. The process is non-invasive and can be completed within a day depending on the extent of damage to the foundation walls.

  1. Incredibly Strong

Carbon fiber is incredibly strong. It is more than 10 times stronger than steel and yet much lighter. This makes it a great choice for a permanent solution to a bowing wall.

  1. No Maintenance Required

Steel beams have to be adjusted every now and then in order to bring the wall back to its original position. However, carbon fiber doesn’t require maintenance. Once it is installed, you can forget about having to repair that section of the wall ever again.

  1. Affordable

Carbon fiber is an affordable solution for foundation repairs. Depending on contractor fees, carbon fiber foundation repair can cost about half of what it costs to have steel beams installed.

  1. Low Visibility

Carbon fiber is the perfect solution for those who intend to finish their basements. They are applied to the wall and therefore do not take up any floor space. You can then apply any finish over them to achieve the look of your choice.

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carbon fiber

What is Carbon Fiber?

Carbon Fiber

Foundation damage is something no homeowner wants to encounter. While new construction systems guarantee a longer life span for any type of foundation, older homes are susceptible to foundation problems. There are myriad causes of such damage including hydrostatic pressure and soil movements. Whatever the cause of damage, you need to find a fast and effective foundation repair system to protect your precious investment.

Contractors today have adopted carbon fiber technology as the best structural repair system for cracked foundation walls. This is a revolutionary wall repair system that leverages the tough strength of carbon fiber to guarantee permanent remedies to cracking caused by bulging or bowing walls. As a homeowner, it is imperative to get insight on this new technology even before calling in a certified contractor to install the same.

Below are some ideas to help you understand carbon fiber technology repair:

What Is Carbon Fiber?

The first question you must be asking is; what is carbon fiber? This is understandable considering there are many other technologies that have been in use including steep piers and slab jacking in foundation repair. Carbon fiber is a high-strength strand made from a fabric that does not stretch and is virtually unbreakable.

The fibers in the strands have a tensile strength of 350,000 psi, which is 10 times stronger than steel and has made this a popular alternative for contractors looking to provide high quality services to homeowners. When these strands are bonded to the wall using a special adhesive, the wall cannot move anymore thus averting further damage and protecting your property. This is a structural solution that actually adds strength to the wall.

Why Use Carbon Fiber Repair?

Now that you have an answer to what is carbon fiber, why not look at the advantages of using this technology? Take a look:

  1. Less intrusion into the foundation: There is no drilling involved, which prevents further damage to the foundation.
  2. Flexible wrap: This means it can take any shape and can be used on any type of walls.
  3. Quick installation: There is no excavation involved and once the wall is prepared a high-strength epoxy is applied and the carbon fiber strip is attached. A sill plate is attached to ensure the strip is fully in position.
  4. Low visibility: These strips are not highly conspicuous and hence the aesthetic appeal of your wall is not affected. You can also paint over the strips without affecting their tensile strength.
  5. Low-maintenance system: Once in place, no further care is required which saves you a lot of money.

Carbon fiber wall repair is cheap, convenient and effective. Talk to a certified contractor on how this system can be used to repair your home’s foundation walls.

StablWall carbon fiber

Common Commercial Applications of StablWall Carbon Fiber

StablWall Carbon Fiber

StablWall Carbon Fiber has become quite popular for residential foundation repair. Carbon fiber is strong and easy to use. It is also easy to conceal once installed, making it a great choice for homeowners who intend to finish their basements.

StablWall Carbon Fiber is also finding a variety of applications in commercial construction. Some common applications have been outlined below.

Reinforcing Foundations of Commercial Buildings

Many commercial buildings feature concrete foundations today. While these foundations are designed to be strong, they undergo a great deal of stress and pressure from the weight of the building and the soil around them. Concrete foundations therefore, decay over time and often have to be repaired.

Carbon fiber can be used to wrap the foundation when the concrete has set. These sheets provide extra support to the concrete. This reduces the need for repairing concrete foundations by increasing the integrity and longevity of the foundation.

Reinforcing Concrete Columns

Structures, such as bridges, flyovers, mining systems and dams often have concrete columns. These columns may deteriorate with time and therefore often require maintenance. Carbon fiber can be wrapped around the column bases to provide extra support. The reinforcement ensures the integrity of the entire structure. It also reduces wear and tear on the column. It also increases the longevity of the structure and therefore reduces the need for repair and maintenance. You can focus your efforts and finances on other areas.

Repairing Cracks in Walls and Foundations

Repairing cracks in walls of commercial buildings requires much more than crack injections to fill up the cracks. Load bearing walls are under a great deal of strain as a result of the size of the building. Cracks are often a sign of the failure of the walls under the stress of the forces acting on it.

The repair of these walls often requires the installation of some sort of support system such as steel beams. These beams take up a lot of space and can be an eye sore. StablWall Carbon fiber on the other hand is inconspicuous. It can be installed into the wall and painted over to make it virtually invisible.

There are many other applications that this technology is finding in commercial construction because of its strength and ease of use. It is however important to ensure that you choose a certified and experienced commercial contractor to ensure that you get the best results from the installation.

carbon fiber foundation repair

Is Carbon Fiber the Best Solution for Foundation Repair

Carbon Fiber

The construction industry has developed a great deal over the years. There have been several advances in the materials and methods used in construction and repair of homes. Advances, such as spray foam, waterproof sealants and water based paints have gone a long way to make construction and repair easier and less labor intensive.

One of the most prominent developments when it comes to foundation repair is the application of carbon fiber for repairing foundation walls. When it came to the repair of bowed, bulging or rotated walls, steel beams were once thought to be the best solution. However, in the past few years, carbon fiber strips have become the material of choice for repairing foundation walls.

Why Carbon Fiber is So Popular for Foundation Repair

  1. Easy to install

Carbon fire is easy to install. The area of the wall upon which the strips will be installed is ground flat. A high-strength epoxy provided by the manufacturers is then applied. The strips are then applied to the wall with some pressure applied to ensure they are secured. The steel angles at the top are then bolted onto the walls. All in all, the strips can be installed within a day.

  1. Strong

Carbon fiber is much stronger than steel. It cannot break even under high pressure. It is therefore a long term solution.

  1. No maintenance required

Unlike with steel beams that have to be adjusted every few years, carbon fiber strips are maintenance free. You can completely forget about your basement once the strips have been installed.

  1. They blend in easily

Fiber strips do not take up any floor space. They also can be painted over and therefore disappear.

  1. They’re affordable

If you’re looking to save money on foundation repair, carbon fiber strips are your best option. They cost less than the cost of purchasing and installing steel beams.

Will Carbon Fiber Work for You?

It may sound like the miracle solution for repairing foundations, but it isn’t applicable in all situations. It ought to be used only on walls that lean inward or outward less than two inches. When the movement is greater than this, the wall requires more intense repair. It is therefore important to have your wall inspected by a professional contractor to ensure that you apply the right repair method.

Even though applying carbon fiber can seem simple, it is a job that ought to be left to professionals. This will ensure that the strips are applied correctly.

carbon fiber applications

Carbon Fiber Applications for Foundation Repair

Carbon Fiber Applications

The way foundations are repaired today has changed a lot. Many of those changes have been due to advances in technology that have allowed for the use of different materials for foundation repair. While steel was previously the most popular material for basement repair, carbon fiber is quickly taking its place.

Carbon fiber applications in foundation repair are based on the many benefits of carbon fiber including:

  1. Easy and quick installation

Installing carbon fiber is quite simple and easy. The strips are designed to be embedded into the wall. The installation does not require welding or excavation. It also doesn’t require lots of specialized equipment.

  1. Affordable

Repairing a foundation can be quite costly. It is therefore no surprise that many homeowners would prefer a solution that is affordable. Carbon fiber is one of the most affordable solutions for repairing a basement wall. It costs less than half the cost of installing steel beams.

  1. Maintenance free

Carbon fiber offers homeowners a maintenance free solution to the repair of the basement. There’s no need to tighten bolts or to have an expert inspect the construction regularly to adjust anything.

  1. Incredibly strong

There are few materials in the construction industry that are as strong or as versatile as carbon fiber. The fibers will not stretch, bend or break under the high pressure following installation.

  1. Low visibility

Carbon fiber strips are less than an inch thick. They can also be painted over. This means that they can disappear in the wall. No one will know that you had your wall repaired.

When to Use Carbon Fiber

There are two main carbon fiber applications when it comes to repair of basements.

  1. Floor crack repair

Carbon fiber can be used in the repair of significant cracks in concrete floors. The floor can be repaired using floor stitching. The carbon fiber stitches are installed to prevent further movement of the floor and hold the floor together just like surgical stitches are used in the repair of a significant cut.

  1. Bowing basement walls

Carbon fiber is also used to repair bowing basement walls. Block walls with horizontal cracks are repaired by installing carbon fiber strips. These strips provide support for the wall and prevent further movement of the wall inward. The strength of the strips ensures that the wall has the kind of support it needs to prevent, further bowing for the long term.

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Using the Revolutionary StablWall Carbon Fiber for Permanent Foundation Repair

StablWall Carbon Fiber

Which is the weakest link to your home’s strength? You might be surprised to learn that it is the foundation. Immediately the contractor leaves the site, the effects of nature start bombarding the foundation walls.  From lateral and hydrostatic pressure to heaving soils and floods, your foundation has lots of problems to contend with.

Inevitably, problems such as cracks start appearing and this complicates things even further. According to the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA), over 89% of homes less than 10 years old have such problems. To remedy this, StablWall carbon fiber technology comes in handy.

This is an invasive solution to foundation problems. The carbon fiber is used in cracked walls together with a resin to create a permanent bond that prevents further deterioration of the foundation. The carbon fiber sheets permanently bond to concrete thus providing the best solution for your problematic walls.

But why opt for this technology instead of others such as excavation and slab jacking? Here are some thoughts:

  1. Tested and Proven Technology

For over 30 years, carbon fiber has been used in other industries including aerospace and the military. Through the years it has been discovered to be ten times stronger than steel beams. With such a rich heritage in these industries, it was a no-brainer that the construction industry was going to adopt the solution.

  1. Convenience

One of the most complicated activities in foundation repair is, of course, excavation. This is not only time consuming but a lot of labor input is needed. With StablWall carbon fiber, you have a convenient solution that does not need labor consuming excavation works.

  1. Durability

Once the carbon fiber sheet is affixed to the wall, it is virtually indestructible. Your walls are able to deal with any external pressure including saturated soil or surface water. Cracks that threaten your walls cannot affect the surface anymore and this effect is permanent.

  1. Cost Savings

Repairing bulging walls or any other type of foundation damage can drain your savings. This is more so if you have to excavate and fit in expensive steel piers. Carbon fiber and the high strength epoxy used to repair the walls are inexpensive compared to other available techniques.

  1. Aesthetic Touch

StablWall carbon fiber does not take off from the beauty of your walls. The thin strips do not affect the look of your home unlike most technologies in the market.

Well, you now have a more effective, cost-effective solution for your damaged foundation walls. Why would you go for any other technique?