6 Telling Signs You Need Foundation Repair Solutions

6 Telling Signs You Need Foundation Repair Services Macedonia, OH

The foundation of any building plays two significant roles. One is that it supports the entire structure by carrying its weight and ensuring that walls are intact and firm. Secondly, the foundation of your house helps prevent the seepage of moisture into the building by keeping off water from the soil that surrounds the foundation and the basement.

So important is the role of the foundation of your house that when you see any signs of damage on it, you are likely to fret. What makes foundation damage more worrying is that some of the damage may be hidden and therefore not easy to notice, while some types of damage may appear so rapidly.

Foundation Repair | Macedonia, OH | StablWall

On the bright side, not all types of foundation damage are that bad. A good foundation repair company can help you repair virtually all types of foundation damage. It is essential to identify the signs of foundation damage so that you can call a foundation repair contractor as soon as you need their services. Below are some tell-tale signs that you need foundation repair services.

  1. Sticky Doors and Uneven Floors

If your doors and windows start becoming sticky, this means that the shutters have fallen out of place with their frames. This can be due to foundation movements that affect the position of the walls and the doors and windows. Also, if your floor suddenly becomes uneven or slants, then your house needs foundation repair.

  1. Window and Door Frames Separated from the Wall

If window and door frames are becoming separated from the walls in which they were installed, this could be an indication that the foundation is settling unevenly. You need to call a foundation repair technician to help you diagnose the problem.

Foundation Repair | Macedonia, OH | StablWall

  1. Exterior and Interior Cracking of Walls

Small cracks like shrinkage cracks and hairline cracks are always not cause concern. But if you notice large cracks, predominantly horizontal and diagonal cracks on your foundation, this is a sign that the foundation needs to be repaired.

  1. Tile Cracks

Floor tiles are hard but brittle. If they suddenly start cracking, you need to have the foundation of your building checked.

  1. Walls Getting Disconnected

If some sections of the walls of your building are cracking and pulling away from each other, the foundation likely has a problem that needs to be fixed.

  1. Foundation Wall Bowing

Bowing of foundation walls can occur due to hydrostatic pressure from the earth that borders the foundation. This can cause significant always not caused cracks and lead to notable damage if no action is taken.

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How Do Wall Cracks Impact My Home’s Foundation?

How Do Wall Cracks Impact My Home’s Foundation? Columbus, OH

Wall cracks, particularly in the basement, are a homeowners’ worst nightmare. Many homeowners imagine that these cracks are a sign of a serious structural problem that will cost them an arm and leg to repair.

The good news is that wall cracks aren’t always a sign of a problem with the foundation. In fact, many times these cracks are a result of settling. House settling is a natural process. Soon after a home is constructed, it begins to sink into the ground. This process is gradual and can barely be noticed. It also often doesn’t result in structural damage. It is therefore nothing to worry about.

However, there are instances when settling can become a source of concern. This is when settling occurs to fast or is uneven. This depends on weather changes as well as the geographical properties of the location in which the house is built.

If the cracks in your home are large and are accompanied by damage such as uneven floors, sticking of windows or doors, and cracks in the upper levels of the home, you may have good reason to be concerned. These are all signs of structural damage that should be addressed as soon as possible.

How long does it take for a house to settle?

One of the most common questions homeowners have regarding settling is how long it will take for their home to settle. After all, who wants to embark on repairs only to find that their homes are damaged once again as a result of settling?

The answer is, it depends. If your home has been built on a solid foundation, then it won’t take a long time to settle. In fact, movement will be limited as there is little room to settle. This is the ideal situation. In such cases, it takes about a year before the building can be said to have stabilized. Some buildings take up to two years to settle.

The weather and the geography of the location affect the settling time. Humidity, cold weather, freezing, wet weather, and drought all affect the rate at which a house settles.Wall Cracks | Columbus, OH | StablWall

Repairing wall cracks resulting from settling

Repairing cracks is about much more than patching them up or sealing them to prevent water seepage. It is best to have an expert inspect your foundation before you invest in repairs. The inspection will reveal whether the settling is normal and if there is anything you should worry about. You may have to wait it out and repair the cracks when your home is more stable. You may need to invest in repairs such as installing helical piers to provide the home with support.

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Common Issues That Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair Can Fix Macedonia, OH

Common Issues That Carbon Fiber Foundation Repair Can Fix Macedonia, OH

Carbon fiber foundation repair has become a popular method for repairing foundations. Installing carbon fiber straps is relatively quick and easy. Unlike steel beams, carbon fiber straps leave a lot of usable space for the homeowner after installation. Many contractors and homeowners prefer carbon fiber straps for the flexibility they offer in terms of finishing.Foundation Repair | Macedonia, OH | StablWall

Carbon fiber straps are often used in foundation repair to provide reinforcement for foundation walls. They are installed on the inner surface of the wall to prevent the wall from moving inward any further. This repair method is mainly used to address the four common issues outlined below.

  1. Bowed walls

Foundation walls experience bowing as a result of soil movement. When soil absorbs water it expands. This results in increased pressure against the foundation walls. The walls bow inward. Carbon fiber straps can be used to provide additional support to the wall. They prevent the wall from bowing further inward.

  1. Sheared walls

Foundation shearing is also the result of hydrostatic pressure acting against the foundation wall. Shearing occurs when a section of the wall breaks away from another section and begins to move inward. It often occurs at the base of concrete block foundation walls. The wall weakens under the pressure of the soil and leans inward so much that it breaks away. Carbon fiber straps can be used to prevent further movement of the wall. They provide much-needed support to the wall to help it resist hydrostatic pressure.Foundation Repair | Macedonia, OH | StablWall

  1. Cracked walls

Foundation cracks are often the first thing you’ll notice when your foundation is under stress from increased hydrostatic pressure. Cracking happens along with weak points in the wall. If the issue is not addressed, the cracks will become larger. Many cracks also begin to let water into the basement causing a water seepage problem. Carbon fiber straps can help prevent further damage by preventing further movement.  

  1. Pushed walls

The term pushed walls are used to describe foundation walls that have moved inward as a result of pressure from the soil on the outside. Pushed walls may tilt or lean inward as a result. Carbon fiber straps are used to help prevent further movement of the wall.

Are you experiencing any of the above problems with your foundation? Carbon fiber foundation repair may offer a long-term solution for you. Be sure to speak to a professional contractor to learn more.

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Carbon Fiber Is Useful For A Variety Of Foundation Repair Solutions

Carbon Fiber Is Useful For A Variety Of Foundation Repair Solutions Atlanta, GA

Wall cracks are a common occurrence in basements with poured concrete walls. The cracks can occur as a result of a wide variety of reasons. However, they are often a sign of movement of the walls. One of the best ways to stop this movement from damaging the basement walls any further is by installing carbon fiber straps or staples depending on the nature and location of the cracks. Wall Cracks | Atlanta, GA | StablWall

However, wall cracks aren’t the only cracks that are caused by shifting of the foundation. Cracks may also occur in the ceiling. Ceiling cracks are especially common in homes that have concrete slab ceilings. Like cracks in foundation walls, cracks in the ceiling of a basement are often an indication of foundation shifting. While not all ceiling cracks should be a cause for concern, some are an indication of structural damage and instability. It is important to get these cracks repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage and ensure the safety of your household.

Like with wall cracks,carbon fiber straps can also be used to repair basement ceiling cracks. The carbon fiber straps will provide the floor with the reinforcement it needs to avoid sagging further and eventually collapsing. This repair solution can be applied in a matter of hours by a professional repair contractor.

Not a DIY job

While carbon fiber straps are an easy solution to apply, it is important to note that there are various factors that need to be considered in their installation in the ceiling. These straps must be installed in the right configuration to provide adequate support for the ceiling. Without proper support, the floor is still likely to collapse.

It is also important to identify the root cause of the ceiling cracks. This should be attended to. If you fail to correct the problem, the shifting will continue and may cause even more severe damage. You will end up with a problem that requires more extensive repairs to resolve. Wall Cracks | Atlanta, GA | StablWall

What to do when you notice cracks

If you notice cracks in the ceiling of your basement, be sure to contact a foundation repair contractor. The contractor will inspect your foundation and provide you with the best solution for your problem. If carbon fiber straps are amongst the options presented to you, consider them seriously. It is a great solution that will provide you with long-term benefits.

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Should You Repair Your Foundation Before Selling Your Home?

Repairing Cracked Foundations – Should You Repair Before Putting Your Home on the Market? Nashville, TN

Are you considering selling your home? Real estate increases in value over time. However, this doesn’t automatically mean that you will get market value or better for your home. There are several factors that affect the value of your home. Many of these factors are within your control. You should therefore do all that you can to ensure you get the best price for your home when you do decide to sell.

Cracked foundations and your home’s value Repairing Cracked Foundations | Greensboro, NC | StablWall

One of the factors that affect the value of your home is the condition of its foundation. Foundation cracks are often one of the first signs of foundation problems. A damaged foundation can result in issues in various other parts of the home. For example, doors and windows may not close properly or may stick and floors may be uneven. Cracks may also develop in the walls in the upper levels.

Potential buyers will consider the cost of repairing cracked foundations as they determine whether to purchase a home with a cracked foundation. The cracks could be an indication of serious structural problems that could cost thousands of dollars to repair. This is a cost that the future buyer would have to bear. Any buyer that makes an offer on your house will factor in this cost. You can therefore expect offers that are far below your asking price.

Is repairing cracked foundations before selling better for homeowners?

It is important to note that serious buyers often have properties inspected before they make an offer. It will therefore be in your best interests to disclose that the foundation is damaged. However, if you invest in the repair of the foundation prior to putting the house on the market, you won’t have to disclose the damage as you will have already dealt with the problem.


Repairing cracked foundations before placing homes on the market is the best way to get great value for your home. Repairing the cracks sooner rather than later will save you a lot of money. This is money you will recoup in the sale of your property. Repairing the foundation will also help you to sell your property faster and at a higher value than if you didn’t do anything about the cracked foundation.

If you’re planning to sell your home and notice cracks in your foundation, be sure to get in touch with a professional contractor to have your foundation repaired.

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The Best and Worst Foundation Repair Options

The Best And Worst Foundation Repair Options New York

When you have foundation issues, it’s vital to get the root of the problem. A quick fix is not the answer. If you don’t know why you have foundation problems and call for expert foundation repair, the problem will persist. What may have been a simple fix, can build up to a significant problem over time, that’s why prompt diagnosis and plan for foundation repair are a must. The first and most crucial step in foundation repair is calling a reputable and experienced foundation contractor. They will have the skill and tools to diagnose and make the proper foundation repair.


Water, It’s Good for You, But Bad For Your Foundation

Most of the foundation issues that you’ll encounter are due to water.
โ— The soil becomes over-saturated and exerts pressure on the foundation.
โ— Sometimes this pressure can cause your walls to crack and bow.
โ— Cracks in the foundation allow water to get in.
โ— Bowing walls indicate a weakness in the wall.
โ— That happens because water is allowed to gather around the foundation.
The best solution for this is to have a drainage system installed. Your technician can look over your foundation issues to determine the best drainage system for your needs. The technician may also recommend a retaining wall, which is also an excellent solution in some cases.

Reinforcement Of Walls Gives Them Strength

In some cases, if the initial foundation issues did not get addressed, they can progress to the point that the wall or walls get weakened. If it gets determined that your walls need reinforcement, you have a couple of excellent options. Strips are useful for adding strength and stability to your weak walls. These strips are super durable yet very lightweight. Your foundation company will install a system that ensures your wall stays up, so you no longer have to worry about wall failure.


Avoid The Worst Option

Never attempt to fix foundation issues yourself. Homeowners may get tempted to use putty to repair cracks in the foundation. Since this solution appears to work, they think that they’ve taken care of the problem. However, in reality, they did not. They filled the cracks and stopped water from leaking into the basement, but only temporarily. It is not a long-term solution, and it does nothing to address the reasons behind the foundation issue. Therefore, the problem is never repaired and continues to get worse.

Call for a free foundation inspection today and put foundation issues behind you. You’ll love the peace of mind that comes from knowing that professionals checked your foundation and made the needed repairs to ensure that it’s safe and secure.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid when Repairing Walls With Carbon Fiber

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Repairing Foundation Walls with Carbon Fiber Straps Atlanta, GA

Steel I-beams were once the most popular way to brace foundation walls against external pressure. Now they are reserved only for extreme cases. More homeowners are using carbon fiber straps to brace their walls.

Carbon fiber is a revolutionary product that has completely changed the approach taken in the repair of foundation walls. It is more than ten times stronger than steel and yet has a small footprint. Straps are easy to install and require no maintenance after that. You will also have the freedom to finish your walls as you like. You can paint over the straps, install drywall, or even wallpaper over them. The possibilities are endless with carbon fiber.  Carbon Fiber Straps | Atlanta, GA | StablWall

While carbon fiber offers many advantages, it isn’t a magic bullet. Many people continue to make mistakes in the installation and application of carbon fiber straps. Some of the most common mistakes are listed below:

1. Not Hiring A Professional Carbon Fiber Installation Contractor

It’s not uncommon to come across homeowners that attempt to install carbon fiber on their own. Some may even call in a contractor. However, they fail to ensure that the contractor is trained, certified, and experienced in the installation of carbon fiber.

Carefully reading the instructions on carbon fiber kits isn’t enough to ensure that you install the straps correctly. Professional contractors have years of training and experience behind them. They understand the technicalities of installing carbon fiber and will ensure that it gets done right. Hiring a professional will ensure that you benefit fully from the straps.

Basement Wall Repair Methods Are Not One Size Fits All

2. Fixing Carbon Fiber Straps On A Wall That Has Bowed Too Far

While carbon fiber is useful for reinforcing foundation walls, it isn’t a magic bullet. It isn’t suitable for repairing every bowed wall. There are cases when the wall has gone too far for carbon fiber straps to be practical. In these instances, you may need to have steel I-beams or wall anchors installed.

Have a professional inspect the wall and determine the best way to repair it. You will put your home and your household at risk by installing carbon fiber on a wall that has moved too far.

3. Not Diagnosing The Root Cause Of The Lateral Movement Of Foundation Walls

While carbon fiber straps will reinforce your wall, they won’t resolve the underlying problem. It’s essential to understand why the wall is moving in the first place and find a solution to prevent movement in the future. It means having your property inspected by a foundation repair professional and applying solutions to ease pressure on your foundation wall. That may include repairing your gutters and downspouts or installing a French Drain.

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